Prof. Dr. Bruce W. Hollis, Ph.D. – Professor of Pediatrics, Biochemistry and molecular Biology – College of Medicine – Medical University of South Carolina –Interview zu Vitamin D 3 in Hochdosis
Bürgertreff Gesundheit Hannover – Tel.: 0511 / 640 9 136 – Voraussetzung für die ehrenamtliche Telefonberatung durch den BTGH ist der Nachweis eines 25 OH-D Wertes von > 60 ng/ml = > 150 nmol/l und die Lektüre von Joel Fuhrman.
Zu Gast im Studio Dr. med. Petra Wiechel – Chefärztin der Swiss Mountain Clinic AG früher Paracelsus Clinica al Ronc) CH-6540 Castaneda GR und Expertin für Biologische Medizin (Univ. Mailand)
Kindheit/Schule/Rostock – Weltbild – Archetypen – es fließt in mich rein – Non-Ordinary States des Bewußtseins – Holotropic Breathwork nach Grof- Rite of Passage – Astrologische Traditionen – Psychologische Traditionsanbindung – Der Schatten (Jung/Campbell/Peterson/Dahlke) – Skript 4/12/36/72 – Campbell/Christopher Vogler – George Lucas – Ral Woe – Herr der Ringe – Harry Potter – Paul Rebillot – Die Heldenreise – Systemische Methoden – Hellinger – Astrodrama nach Roggenbruck – – – Systemtheorie – Ludwig von Bertalanffy – Ilya Prigogine – Life as a dissipative structure – – Hier und Jetzt in der systemischen Theorie / Perls – Das Skript in der Systemischen Theorie – Wolfgang Pauli und Jung
Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin – Homöopathie, Mikronährstoff- und Ernährungstherapie, Funktionelle Ernährungsmedizin, Naturheilverfahren, Neuraltherapie – Mitglied der Ärztevereinigung Ganzheitliche Zahnmedizin – Vorstandsmitglied und Dozent im Forum Orthomolekulare Medizin – Coimbra-Arzt
„Sanfte Medizin“ – Brukerzitat „Wer Diät isst wird krank“ – „Es gibt keine Krankheit ohne Ursache“ – – ernährungsbedingte / lebensbedingte Krankenheiten (70%/30%) – gesunde Zähne
Prof. Williams – „Die biochemische Individualit“
Praxisrundgang – Praxisschild
Elternhaus – Gymnasium – Universität – Facharzt – Bereichsbezeichnungen – Praxisgründung wann und wie – Wartezeiten – Reine Privatpraxis
Background – Basis und Grundlagen für den Talk mit Dr. Rainer Didier
–Gesundes Ernährungsprotokoll auf höchstem Niveau à la HHI-Platin-Level (Florida) für Olympia und terminale Patienten – Weizengrassaft + 50 % Sprossen + Grünsäfte + Rohkost im Übrigen? – Verhältnis zur Gersontherapie?
LM-Potenzen – extreme Hochpotenzen Ernährungsmedizin – wo – wie – warum
Zahn-und Umweltmedizin
Lechner – München/ dent. Türk – Bad Pyrmont/Dr. med. Dr. iur. Thomas Levy – The Toxic Tooth: How a root canal could be making you sick – Vitamin C mit täglich > 5.000 ?? ./. Wurzelkanalinfektion
Die Arbeit des FOM basiert auf den Forschungsergebnissen des zweifachen Nobelpreisträgers Linus Carl Pauling, der als Vater der Orthomolekularen Medizin gilt. Sein Credo lässt sich in folgender Aussage zusammenfassen – „Orthomolekulare Medizin ist die Erhaltung guter Gesundheit und die Behandlung von Krankheiten durch Veränderungen der Konzentration von Substanzen im menschlichen Körper, die normalerweise im Körper vorhanden und für die Gesundheit erforderlich sind.“ Linus C. Pauling
Zitat – „Ist denn das, durch Zeichen an Krankheiten sinnlich Erkennbare nicht für den Heilkünstler die Krankheit selbst – da er das die Krankheit schaffende,
geistige Wesen, die Lebenskraft,
doch nie sehen kann und sie selbst auch nie, sondern bloß ihre krankhaften Wirkungen zu sehen und zu erfahren braucht, um hienach die Krankheit heilen zu können?“
§•9. Im gesunden Zustande des Menschen waltet die geistartige, als Dynamis den materiellen Körper (Organism) belebende Lebenskraft (Autokratie) unumschränkt und hält alle seine Theile in bewundernswürdig harmonischem Lebensgange in Gefühlen und Thätigkeiten, so daß unser inwohnende, vernünftige Geist sich dieses lebendigen, gesunden Werkzeugs frei zu dem höhern Zwecke unsers Daseyns bedienen kann
§. 12. Einzig die krankhaft gestimmte Lebenskraft bringt die Krankheiten hervor….
§. 16. Von schädlichen Einwirkungen auf den gesunden Organism, durch die feindlichen Potenzen, welche von der Außenwelt her das harmonische Lebensspiel stören, kann unsre Lebenskraft als geistartige Dynamis nicht anders denn auf geistartige (dynamische) Weise ergriffen und afficirt werden und alle solche krankhafte Verstimmungen (die Krankheiten) können auch durch den Heilkünstler nicht anders von ihr entfernt werden, als durch geistartige (dynamische,virtuelle) Umstimmungs-Kräfte der dienlichen Arzneien auf unsre geistartige Lebenskraft, percipirt durch den, im Organism allgegenwärtigen Fühlsinn der Nerven. Demnach können Heil-Arzneien, nur durch dynamische Wirkung auf das Lebensprincip Gesundheit und Lebens-Harmonie wieder herstellen und stellen sie wirklich her, nachdem die unsern Sinnen merkbaren Veränderungen in dem Befinden des Kranken (der Symptomen-Inbegriff) dem aufmerksam beobachtenden und forschenden Heilkünstler, die Krankheit so vollkommen dargestellt hatten, als es um sie heilen zu können, nöthig war.
HHI does not heal people = „To help people to help themselves“ – So they cure themselves.
„The belief, that given the proper tools and environment, our bodies are self-healing and self-rejuvenating.“ – Zitat von Sebastian Kneipp – „Der Weg zur Gesundheit führt durch die Küche, nicht durch die Apotheke.“
Deutsche Pioniere – Sebastian Kneipp – Dr. med. Maximilian Bircher – Benner ; Priesnitz – Hufeland – Hahnemann – Werner Kollath – Schnitzer – Dr. med. Max Otto Bruker – Fran Konz, Arnold Ehret, Helmut Wandmaker, Florian Sauer, Petra Birr, Michael Delias etc. etc. – Hirneise – Budwig –
„A typical American growing up in the New Jersey/New York area, Brian likes to joke that he was a pioneer in the field of obesity—he was fat even before many Americans were fat! Raised in an Irish household on the standard American diet of meat, processed foods and sugary sodas, he was unfit and gasping for air every few steps.
When he was 20 years old, he was dating a girl whose best friend’s boyfriend was 30—and a vegetarian. Despite the fact he had been more or less educated by his family that the body would die without animal-based foods, the lure of an influential peer inspired him to give up meat in one fell swoop. For the first year and a half, he kept his vegetarian diet a secret from his family. Yet after losing 120 pounds and experiencing the difference in his health, he came out of the proverbial closet (much to his family’s dismay!) and became a complete vegan three years later.
A natural performer, Brian had worked his way through college as a musician. Many friends, including one who shared his interest in nutrition after healing herself from cancer through diet, offered feedback that he was born to teach. With his degree in biochemistry in hand and his interest in nutrition sealed, Brian began doing just that.
It was during this time he was living in Southern Oregon where temperatures are hot, dry and sunny from May through September. His body naturally gravitated towards raw foods and, after a few months, he remembered the book “Be Your Own Doctor” by Ann Wigmore. He dug it out, read it again, and realized he had essentially become a raw vegan by default.
With the intention of returning to Oregon to open a health institute, Brian moved to Maine for a final taste of the East Coast. While there, he decided to go down to Boston to visit Ann Wigmore at the Hippocrates Health Institute. As his friend had years prior, Ann saw Brian’s natural talent to communicate this lifestyle to people in a relatable way, and she convinced him to move to Boston and work with her.
Joined HHI in 1975 – Director since 1980
(40 Years)
On behalf of Hippocrates, Brian soon went to Europe and spent three years re-educating Europeans about the raw food movement that had begun on their continent. In 1978, he spent a year in Denmark as Director of the Humlegaarden Institute that had been founded by the famous Danish raw-food pioneer Dr. Kristine Nolfi in the 1940s.
Upon his return to the U.S. in 1980, Brian assumed the title of Director of Hippocrates Health Institute and, in 1987, he moved the Institute to Florida.
Since that time, he has directed the Institute’s growth and development, as well as facilitated the implementation of progressive natural health treatments and programs. Brian’s progressive ideas on natural health, coupled with his vast theoretical and practical science experience, have provided him with the opportunity to conduct countless seminars, lectures and educational programs. He has traveled to more than 25 countries motivating the public to take action to improve their lives. Most recently, he was commissioned by government-supported organizations to establish, organize and direct health programs in Denmark, Switzerland, Greece and India.
Brian has also written numerous books in which he explores the various aspects of health, spirituality and natural healing. His best-selling book, “Living Foods for Optimum Health,” has been acclaimed by Marilyn Diamond, co-author of the book “Fit for Life,” as “an important and eminently readable book for the new era of self-care,” and by Coretta Scott King as a “landmark guide to the essentials of healthy living.”“
To talk about:
Coffee – Good – bad – ugly
Dr. Brian Clement – TEDx – Planck/Einstein/Quantenphysik –
Dr. Herbert McGolfin Shelton (October 6, 1895 – January 1, 1985)was an Americannaturopath, alternative medicine advocate, author, pacifist, vegetarian, and a supporter of rawism and fasting. – In 1922, Shelton self-published his first book, Fundamentals of Nature Cure. – Dr. Shelton established his first health school in San Antonio, Texas in 1928, and for the next 53 years (at seven different locations), he cared for more than 40,000 people, nearly all of them recovering their health through water fasting.
1976 – Nathan Pritikin in Ca. – – The Pritikin Longevity Center has been in operation for 40 years – since 1975. – The Healing of the Grandma of Dr. med. Michael Greger(CBS-60 Minutes)
Diet for a New America is a 1987 bestselling book by John Robbins. The book discusses vegetarianism, the environmental impact of factory . farming and animal rights. – In 1991 KCET, the Los Angeles PBS affiliate, produced a film documentary based on the book called Diet for a New America: Your Health, Your Planet. – The film is narrated by John Robbins and features interviews with Michael Klaper, T. Colin Campbell, and John A. McDougall.
Dr. Klaper practiced acute care medicine in New Zealand for three years and from 2009 through 2018, served on staff at the TrueNorth Health Center in Santa Rosa,Ca. – North America’s premier nutritionally-based medical clinic that specializes in therapeutic fasting and health improvement through a whole food, plant-based diet. –
A member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine – Dr. Klaper was a member of the American Medical Student Association’s Nutrition Task Force – and currently serves on the Advisory Board for the Plantrician Project – and the „International Journal of Disease Reversal and Prevention.- – For over 10 years, Dr. Klaper hosted a popular medical information radio program “Sounds of Healing” on WPFW in Washington, DC and KAOI on Maui, Hawaii. – Dr. Michael Klaper is licensed to practice medicine in California and Hawaii.
Dr. Klaper is a medical consultant for the North American Vegetarian Society –
Dr. Klaper maintained a medical practice in Maui, Hawaii between 1995 and 2006, and practiced medicine in Whangarei, New Zealand between 2006 and 2009.[8] In 2009, he relocated to Northern California, where as of 2011 he became staff physician and medical consultant at the nutritionally-based TrueNorth Health Center in Santa Rosa where is now is on the Board of Directors of the TrueNorth Health Foundation. He is licensed to practice medicine in California and Hawaii and now is affiliated with the Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital. – Wildfires
Die Kneippkur – das Heilverfahren von Pfarrer Sebastian Kneipp – – „Vor über 150 Jahren entwickelte Pfarrer Sebastian Kneipp sein Heilverfahren, das auf dem Zusammenspiel von 5 Elementen aufgebaut ist: Wasser, Ernährung, Bewegung, Kräuter und innere Ordnung.“ – 200 Jahre Sebastian Kneipp – Das Kneippjahr 2021 wird ganz dem Pfarrer gewidmet.
1. Der biographische Weg bis zum indischen Restaurant – 2. Die Phase in der Bircher-Benner-Klinik und das damalige Umfeld – 3. Amerika – Anne Wigmore, Hippokrates und andere Begegnungen in den USA – 4. Sri Lanka – Studium Ernährungswissenschaft, Psychologie, Alternativmedizin und Akupunktur mit Promotion – 5. Weltbild-/ Philosophieveränderungen in der Biographie – Gott und die Welt – 6. Ernährungsberater und Sternekoch der Haute Cuisine Crue – der neuen rohen Küche. – 7. Urs Hochstrasser 2020 und in der Zukunft.