30.7.2020 – Dr. Brian Clement – Energy Medicine – The Work of a Genius in Progress




versus Lifestyle Medicine versus Functional Medicine versus Natural MedicineThere is no boxhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y07bOhIvJ1A&list=PLWfUcScvQbEy9934JBzPeqofL_Yl2BEFK&index=75&t=5s

Interviewtrailer – https://talk.vonabisw.de/videos2/Clementtrailer.mp4

Kosmologie – Mikronährstoffehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyHb7FB64jsAc1ApEAl7Nog/playlists?disable_polymer=1

PhD – NMD LNRaw living NutritionTo be in Nature as a healing factor

Dr. Urs Hochstrasser – Sri LankaUniversitätsabschlüsse in Litauen in „Life-Food“Anne Wigmore Monument – 2013 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tu4UF8RoOsY&list=PLWfUcScvQbEy9934JBzPeqofL_Yl2BEFK&index=11Revolution on the doorstep?Big Tech Terrorism?The Nuremberg trials Rules and the AMA?

Living the Raw Vegan (Wholefood) Lifestyle – RVLSVeganism is megaout

B 12, DHA/EPA + Vitamin DBTGH – Brainwashing https://vonabisw.de/btgh-gehirnwaesche

24 months to reverse Disease

Wheatgrasjuice + Sprouts + fresh green Juices – Raw Vegetables (no fruits) etc.


Wheatgras not in the sun?

Weizengrassaft ./. Selleriesaft – frisch gepresst und sofort getrunkencelery only for days – wheatgrasjuice for the rest of Your life every dayFilmlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWfUcScvQbEyMJKhN6a-7ZQIPdPd2gUg3

The hidden Diamond in the Plant Based Movement

Dr. Brian Clements persönlicher Weg zur veganen Rohkosternährung mit Weizengras- und grünen Säftenhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=I04fIh2LzbE&feature=emb_logo

Hippocrates Institute Florida – Gold to Platinum Levels

The Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI) is a nonprofit organization in West Palm Beach, Florida, USA, originally co-founded in 1956 in Stoneham, Massachusetts, by Lithuanian-born Viktoras Kulvinskas and Ann Wigmore. – Since 1987 in Florida.

HHI does not heal people = „To help people to help themselves“ – So they cure themselves.

„The belief, that given the proper tools and environment, our bodies are self-healing and self-rejuvenating.“ – Zitat von Sebastian Kneipp – „Der Weg zur Gesundheit führt durch die Küche, nicht durch die Apotheke.“




Healing Our World –


Oasis Spa Therapie Center


Modern University Science = Mafia Mobs?



AMA – The war against Truth – Abnormal becomes Normal?

HEALING CANCER FROM INSIDE OUT (SECOND EDITION)https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtszUji6nd9q/200.000 mg Ascorbic Acid as IVC + HHI -Protocol?


LORRAINE DAY, MD A DAY IN THE LIFE OF DR. LORRAINE DAYhttps://www.bitchute.com/video/XLkvrFYNg22j/

JOEL FUHRMAN, MD, UNDERSTANDING EMOTIONAL EATINGhttps://www.bitchute.com/video/kzj5qTgiF9rT/

STEPHAN ESSER, MD, FOOD AS MEDICINEhttps://www.bitchute.com/video/Jfm2EKSXUbKf/



Bücher / Books

https://www.amazon.de/s?k=brian+clement&i=stripbooks&__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&ref=nb_sb_noss_1. – https://www.amazon.com/s?k=brian+clement+books&i=stripbooks-intl-ship&__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=L7NL890CW7X1&sprefix=brian+clement%2Caps%2C218&ref=nb_sb_ss_fb_1_13

The Real Truth about Health



Slowjuicer – https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=angel+juicer+grüne+pereln

Deutsche Pioniere – Sebastian Kneipp – Dr. med. Maximilian Bircher – Benner ; Priesnitz – Hufeland – Hahnemann – Werner Kollath – Schnitzer – Dr. med. Max Otto Bruker – Fran Konz, Arnold Ehret, Helmut Wandmaker, Florian Sauer, Petra Birr, Michael Delias etc. etc. – Hirneise – Budwig –

Biographical Notes from


„A typical American growing up in the New Jersey/New York area, Brian likes to joke that he was a pioneer in the field of obesity—he was fat even before many Americans were fat! Raised in an Irish household on the standard American diet of meat, processed foods and sugary sodas, he was unfit and gasping for air every few steps.

When he was 20 years old, he was dating a girl whose best friend’s boyfriend was 30—and a vegetarian. Despite the fact he had been more or less educated by his family that the body would die without animal-based foods, the lure of an influential peer inspired him to give up meat in one fell swoop. For the first year and a half, he kept his vegetarian diet a secret from his family. Yet after losing 120 pounds and experiencing the difference in his health, he came out of the proverbial closet (much to his family’s dismay!) and became a complete vegan three years later.

A natural performer, Brian had worked his way through college as a musician. Many friends, including one who shared his interest in nutrition after healing herself from cancer through diet, offered feedback that he was born to teach. With his degree in biochemistry in hand and his interest in nutrition sealed, Brian began doing just that. 

It was during this time he was living in Southern Oregon where temperatures are hot, dry and sunny from May through September. His body naturally gravitated towards raw foods and, after a few months, he remembered the book “Be Your Own Doctor” by Ann Wigmore. He dug it out, read it again, and realized he had essentially become a raw vegan by default.

With the intention of returning to Oregon to open a health institute, Brian moved to Maine for a final taste of the East Coast. While there, he decided to go down to Boston to visit Ann Wigmore at the Hippocrates Health Institute. As his friend had years prior, Ann saw Brian’s natural talent to communicate this lifestyle to people in a relatable way, and she convinced him to move to Boston and work with her.

Joined HHI in 1975 – Director since 1980

(40 Years)

On behalf of Hippocrates, Brian soon went to Europe and spent three years re-educating Europeans about the raw food movement that had begun on their continent. In 1978, he spent a year in Denmark as Director of the Humlegaarden Institute that had been founded by the famous Danish raw-food pioneer Dr. Kristine Nolfi in the 1940s.

Raw Food Treatment of Cancer 


Upon his return to the U.S. in 1980, Brian assumed the title of Director of Hippocrates Health Institute and, in 1987, he moved the Institute to Florida.

Since that time, he has directed the Institute’s growth and development, as well as facilitated the implementation of progressive natural health treatments and programs. Brian’s progressive ideas on natural health, coupled with his vast theoretical and practical science experience, have provided him with the opportunity to conduct countless seminars, lectures and educational programs. He has traveled to more than 25 countries motivating the public to take action to improve their lives. Most recently, he was commissioned by government-supported organizations to establish, organize and direct health programs in Denmark, Switzerland, Greece and India.

Brian has also written numerous books in which he explores the various aspects of health, spirituality and natural healing. His best-selling book, “Living Foods for Optimum Health,” has been acclaimed by Marilyn Diamond, co-author of the book “Fit for Life,” as “an important and eminently readable book for the new era of self-care,” and by Coretta Scott King as a “landmark guide to the essentials of healthy living.”“

To talk about:

Coffee – Good – bad – ugly

Dr. Brian Clement – TEDx – Planck/Einstein/Quantenphysik –

What is life? –


The real Truth about health conferencehttps://therealtruthabouthealth.com

International Plant-Based Nutrition Healthcare Conferencehttps://pbnhc.comhttps://vimeo.com/pbnhchttps://vimeo.com/pbnhc/videos

American College of Lifestyle Medicine – https://www.lifestylemedicine.org

Food Revolution Network (FRN)https://foodrevolution.org

PlantPure Communitieshttps://plantpurecommunities.org/about-plantpure-communities/

Anthony Williamshttps://www.medicalmedium.com – 1975 – Celery Juice

North American Vegetarian Societyhttps://navs-online.org


TrueNorth Health Centerhttps://www.healthpromoting.com

Prof. of Design Arnold Ehret https://www.amazon.de/Arnold-Ehrets-Mucusless-Healing-English-ebook/dp/B00I6M2AZW

Dr. med. Otto Buchinger Heilfastenklinikhttps://www.buchinger.de

Dr. Herbert McGolfin Sheltonhttps://www.healthscience.org/heritage/natural-hygiene-movement/dr-herbert-shelton/dr-sheltons-health-school

National Health Association (NHA) https://www.healthscience.org

Dr. med. Max Gersonhttps://gerson.org/gerpress/

PURE Juicer https://purejuicer.com/collections/juicers?gclid=Cj0KCQjwvIT5BRCqARIsAAwwD-RSttMBQSIa7v9ptmorgZxTyOq0zohkVdRZw7qqKfEjYUo_-nw9ntsaAglUEALw_wcB

Angel Juicerhttps://www.angeljuicers.eu/de/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwvIT5BRCqARIsAAwwD-SVf2bxDdgrkkfHXuGGI564Amq9vA4dHbwVvWIEV0vo3bdrON_w2HEaAsPHEALw_wcB

Joe Cross / Jason Valehttps://www.rebootwithjoe.comhttps://juicemaster.comFilmlisthttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWfUcScvQbEwBIwHHwcamoNhYTOTR_obo

Juice as Nutritional Therapy – Fat – Sick – and nearly dead – superjuice meFilmlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWfUcScvQbEwBIwHHwcamoNhYTOTR_obo

Nathan Pritikin Retreat https://www.pritikin.com

John Robbinshttps://www.johnrobbins.infoEarthSavehttp://www.earthsave.org

The Sunfired Raw Food Feasting, Fasting and Healing Systemhttps://www.sunfired.com