28.7.2020 – Dr. med. Michael Klaper – MD

Dr. Michael Klaper – Health through a Plant Based Wholefood Lifestyle (PBWFL) – 28.7.200





Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/c/DoctorKlaper/videos

PlantPure Communities – https://www.doctorklaper.com/moving-medicine-forwardhttps://plantpurecommunities.org/about-plantpure-communities/

The Moving Medicine Forward Initiative https://www.doctorklaper.com/mmf-masterclass


Organisations – https://www.doctorklaper.com/organizations

PCRM – https://www.youtube.com/c/PhysiciansCommittee/videoshttps://www.pcrm.org

American College of Lifestyle Medicinehttps://www.lifestylemedicine.org

TrueNorth Health Centerhttps://www.healthpromoting.com

versus Hippocrates Health Institute – https://hippocratesinst.org

Ketosis v. Plant-Based – Diet Warshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrCaG2gT2Vg&t=11s

Prof. of Design Arnold Ehret – 1907 – 19013 – Monte Verità – Casa Semiramis „Schule für leibliche und geistige Diätetik“ – in Ca. from 1913-1922 – „The Mucusless Diet Healing System“ – https://www.amazon.de/Arnold-Ehrets-Mucusless-Healing-English-ebook/dp/B00I6M2AZW .- 49 days waterfasting in Köln.

1920 – Bad Pyrmont/Germany – Dr. med. Otto Buchinger Heilfastenklinikhttps://www.buchinger.de/?gclid=CjwKCAjwmf_4BRABEiwAGhDfSUBmPMCSE7yTM76nmnijQu3AcGem2FTKscx7zfQm7u8BChbFzjVzqxoC0-MQAvD_BwE

Dr. Herbert McGolfin Shelton (October 6, 1895 – January 1, 1985) was an American naturopathalternative medicine advocate, author, pacifistvegetarian, and a supporter of rawism and fasting. – In 1922, Shelton self-published his first book, Fundamentals of Nature Cure. – Dr. Shelton established his first health school in San Antonio, Texas in 1928, and for the next 53 years (at seven different locations), he cared for more than 40,000 people, nearly all of them recovering their health through water fasting.

1959 – Dr. med. Max Gerson



In 1972 Dr. MIchael Klaper graduated from the University of Illinois College of Medicine and served his medical internship in Canada at Vancouver General Hospital with the University of British Columbia. He also studied obstetrics at the University of California, San Francisco.

Dr. med. Abram Hoffer in BC http://pacificholistic.com/Dr_Hofferhttp://www.orthomolecularvitamincentre.com/a_hoffer_cancer.phphttp://www.orthomolecularvitamincentre.com/about.php

1976 – Nathan Pritikin in Ca. https://www.pritikin.comThe Pritikin Longevity Center has been in operation for 40 years – since 1975. – The Healing of the Grandma of Dr. med. Michael Greger (CBS-60 Minutes)

1981 – Damaskus –> Plant Based

Dr. Klaper served as Director of the Institute of Nutrition Education and Research from 1992 through 2015, where he conducted a study that focused on people who ate a completely plant-based or vegan diet. https://www.bizapedia.com/ca/institute-of-nutrition-education-and-research.html

In 1987 Dr. Klaper appeared on the game show Jeopardy and won $11,000

Three books were authored during his time with Gentle World in Umatilla, Florida. – Gentle World – https://gentleworld.org/about/https://gentleworld.org/about/visitor-centers/

Diet for a New America is a 1987 bestselling book by John Robbins. The book discusses vegetarianism, the environmental impact of factory . farming and animal rights. – In 1991 KCET, the Los Angeles PBS affiliate, produced a film documentary based on the book called Diet for a New America: Your Health, Your Planet. – The film is narrated by John Robbins and features interviews with Michael KlaperT. Colin Campbell, and John A. McDougall.

Fasten – Schweigen – Meditieren


Dr. med. Rüdiger Dahlke – Bewusst fasten: Ein achtsamer Wegweiser zu neuen Erfahrungen 


Dr. Klaper practiced acute care medicine in New Zealand for three years and from 2009 through 2018, served on staff at the TrueNorth Health Center in Santa Rosa,Ca. – North America’s premier nutritionally-based medical clinic that specializes in therapeutic fasting and health improvement through a whole food, plant-based diet.https://www.healthpromoting.com/water-fasting

CIIShttps://www.ciis.edu/faculty-and-staff-directory/richard-tarnasEsalen Big Surhttps://www.esalen.org

Palo Alto – Linus Paulinghttps://lpi.oregonstate.edu

A member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine – https://www.lifestylemedicine.org Dr. Klaper was a member of the American Medical Student Association’s Nutrition Task Force – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK216788/. and currently serves on the Advisory Board for the Plantrician Project – https://plantricianproject.org and the „International Journal of Disease Reversal and Prevention.- https://ijdrp.org/index.php/ijdrp – For over 10 years, Dr. Klaper hosted a popular medical information radio program “Sounds of Healing” on WPFW in Washington, DC and KAOI on Maui, Hawaii. – Dr. Michael Klaper is licensed to practice medicine in California and Hawaii.

Dr. Klaper is a medical consultant for the North American Vegetarian Society – https://navs-online.org.

Proveg Deutschland

https://proveg.com/de/. – https://proveg.com

Dr. Klaper served as director of a vegan health spa in Pompano Beach, Florida from the early 1990s – https://balanceforlifeflorida.com/nha-2020-retreat/nha-michael-klaper/ and was featured on the 1991 PBS documentary Diet for a New America by John Robbinshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_jH4fUDWqoHe cofounded with John Robbins the environmental organization EarthSave Internationalhttp://www.earthsave.org

Dr. Klaper maintained a medical practice in MauiHawaii between 1995 and 2006, and practiced medicine in WhangareiNew Zealand between 2006 and 2009.[8] In 2009, he relocated to Northern California, where as of 2011 he became staff physician and medical consultant at the nutritionally-based TrueNorth Health Center in Santa Rosa where is now is on the Board of Directors of the TrueNorth Health Foundation. He is licensed to practice medicine in California and Hawaii and now is affiliated with the Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital. – Wildfires

His books include Vegan Nutrition: Pure and Simplehttps://www.amazon.de/Vegan-Nutrition-Simple-Michael-Klaper/dp/0961424893

and Pregnancy, Children, and the Vegan Diet. – https://www.amazon.de/Michael-Klaper/dp/0961424826/ref=sr_1_2?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&dchild=1&keywords=Pregnancy%2C+Children%2C+and+the+Vegan+Diet.&qid=1595923680&sr=8-2

He has appeared in several films related to vegan diet and practice, including Eat This! (2005), Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (2014), and What the Health (2017).

Dr. Klaper is on the advisory board, and regular contributor to the quarterly publication Naked Food Magazine.


In the summer of 1992, he was inducted into the Vegetarian Hall of Fame of the North American Vegetarian Society.

Lecture Video A Diet For All Reasonshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCIhUebuy4wVegan Nutrition: Pure and Simple by Michael Klaper, M.D.


Prof. Valter Longo

https://valterlongo.comLive to 100 – Valter Longohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Odpt9afBlYY

Dr. Michael Greger https://nutritionfacts.org


Dokumentation der besonderen Therapierichtungen und natürlichen Heilweisen in Europa – Band V – 1. Halbband




  1. Dr. med. Max Otto Bruker – Ernährungstherapie – S. 115-138 – https://gesundheitsberater.de/biografie/https://gesundheitsberater.dehttps://emu-verlag.de/buecher-kleinschriften/buecher-dr.-max-otto-bruker/?p=1 – „Gesundheit ist ein Informationsproblem“

2. Dr. med. Otto Buchinger – Heilfasten – S. 177 – 196 – https://www.buchinger.de/?gclid=CjwKCAjw0_T4BRBlEiwAwoEiAdPlG9pViF6PTek2y2KONK3uGxC91Sna1Nm6dweAVq4kSUlPqEE5dxoCpJsQAvD_BwE – „BUCHINGER ist die 1920 gegründete Methode für Medizinisches Heilfasten, .. bis heute .. im Stammhaus des Begründers Dr. Otto Buchinger in Bad Pyrmont..“ – https://www.buchinger.de/buchinger-heilfasten/https://www.buchinger.de/buchinger-heilfasten/die-original-methode/

3. Dr. med. Friedrich Dorschner – Die Dauerbrause – Therapie nach Benedict Lust – S.225-236 – https://www.dr-von-rosen.de/fachartikel/die-dauerbrause/

Dokumentation der besonderen Therapierichtungen und natürlichen Heilweisen in Europa – Band I – 1. Halbband


S. 761-834 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efL39U074Ng&list=PLmdRnrX1HMSZYIn_XBlL5DoL5mKRrE-Pr

„Die Heilkräfte der Natur nutzen“ Vortrag von Prof. Andreas Michalsen / Charité Berlin  – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEuRt9wPTfA&t=10s

Die Kneippkur – das Heilverfahren von Pfarrer Sebastian Kneipphttps://www.bad-woerishofen.de/gesund – „Vor über 150 Jahren entwickelte Pfarrer Sebastian Kneipp sein Heilverfahren, das auf dem Zusammenspiel von 5 Elementen aufgebaut ist: Wasser, Ernährung, Bewegung, Kräuter und innere Ordnung.“ – 200 Jahre Sebastian Kneipp – Das Kneippjahr 2021 wird ganz dem Pfarrer gewidmet.



Superjuice Me / Fat , Sick and Nearly Dead


Jason Valehttps://juicemaster.com/juice-retreats/

Joe Crosshttps://www.rebootwithjoe.com


Dr. med. Max Gerson

The Gerson-Therapy https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgtKw1QgfYrkMbEjgtgZ4qMoUa9Kw08dkhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL48axMJgfvAhr5wQIlM2F0qb9xFKBJJEHhttps://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=dr.+med.+max+gerson+btgi&sp=EgIQAw%253D%253Dhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjfxnIWwjbR64ieU5lN7gHPel0pm4lCG0




Filmliste – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWfUcScvQbEzyRBHFsaD41sbZzYSzao6Q

Kritik anderer Heilverfahrenhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKR9znjySwk&list=PLhhdIHHy3LCLy8Pg1vGwfDl66RaTKDco7&index=5


49 Tage Wasserfasten Experiment – Arnold Ehrethttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjAko_9-Cns&list=PL68PDomNfo2Q3nglaWn4gxE6eb3QDJ0r8&index=24

28 Tage Fasten + Fastenbrechen mit reifen Früchten https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiTd6qfdprU

Der Fastenlehrer Prof. Arnold Ehret (1856-1922) war ab 1907 als Mitarbeiter im Sanatorium von Oedenkoven (Monte Verita – Ascona) tätig. Man sieht ihn auf Fotos vom Frühjahr dieses Jahres neben Hermann Hesse stehen. 1912 eröffnete er in der Casa Semiramis auf dem Monte Verità eine eigene „Schule für leibliche und geistige Diätetik“. Bekannt wurde er durch ein 49tägiges Fasten 1909 in Köln http://www.umbruch-verlag.de/PDF/1909_Gusto%20Graeser_Arnold%20Ehret.pdfhttps://monteverita.net/personen/arnold-ehret/https://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/aussteiger-kolonie-monte-verita-fotostrecke-145837.htmlhttps://www.fileane.com/deutsch/monte_verita_deutsch.htmhttps://www.kunstforum.de/artikel/monte-verita-berg-der-wahrheit/



Kunst des Heilens – Westliche und östliche Wege der Heilkunsthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfhKxEsBd3A